Tourmaline quartz Oval beads (ETB01723) Healing crystal/Reiki healing/Healing necklace


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Tourmaline quartz Oval beads (ETB01723)
Size: 14x17 - 15x20mm
- this is only an approximate, the size varies slightly.
Length: 16 inches
Finishing: Polish

{ D e s c r i p t i o n }
Tourmaline Quartz, also known as Tourmalinated Quartz, or Tourmalated Quartz, is a variety of Clear Quartz with naturally occurring needle-like inclusions of Black Tourmaline, also known as Schorl.

Tourmaline Quartz combines the properties of Tourmaline and Clear Quartz Crystal. Tourmaline purifies ones own energies and protects from negativity, while Quartz amplifies energies focused through it. This combination makes Tourmaline Quartz a powerful shield-stone that, depending on the desired intent of the wearer, can amplify and return negative energy, like a mirror spell, or can convert the negative energy into positive energy for the wearer.

You will receive the same quality as you see in my pictures, I always send from the same batch. I will randomly select one strand. As the colour & size can vary slightly, please do not request for one particular strand. You can buy the whole batch to ensure you will get the best ones.

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