Tourmalinated Quartz 10-14.5mm unshaped beads (ETB00723)


Tourmalinated Quartz

Tourmalinated Quartz is made up of needles of black Tourmaline embedded in natural clear Quartz, thus bringing together the protective properties of Tourmaline with the amplifying properties of Quartz.

It is a powerful protective stone that is believed to have the ability to deflect negative thoughts and energies, protecting the wearer or carrier from being harmed by the negative energy of another.

Tourmalinated Quartz is also believed to turn negative energy into positive energy and is good stone for those who have a tendency towards self-sabotage.

In healing Tourminalated Quartz is said to help with depression and nervous exhaustion.


Dimensions of beads:

Size: 10x14x8 - 14.5x26x10mm
- this is only an approximate, the size varies slightly.

Length: 16 inches
Finishing: Polished

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